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I often spend my free time pursuing design challenges

... and hackathons are the ultimate sprint!
Having met some amazing hackathon team members comprising Data Scientists, Analysts, Developers and other technical persons in 2020, we have grown over the years, in number and collective experience.


Coming across multiple timezones, we bring our skillsets to each hackathon, which typically lasts around 36 hours.

Over the years, we have conceptualised, designed, coded, and pitched some fun tech projects, picking up some prizes along the way. Prizes are nice, but the most lasting rewards by far have been the connections and giggles we gained along the way.

The following is a glimpse of a couple of hackations I've participated in with Team Kaha.


1. (Māori verb) to be strong, able, capable, courageous, intense, energetic

Project 1:
GovHack - Better Public Spaces

Project Overview

This hackathon sought to find solutions that support our ‘BETTER’ public spaces approach, specifically how we can ensure everyone feels welcome and safe in public spaces (day and night) regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or identity.

The Submission:
Wandertrust: A platform to encourage and improve access to public spaces.

  • Created a proof of concept, with initial data aggregation and processing.

  • Created a prototype of the application interface and website.

Team Kaha Placement: Winner

Project 2:
#FormulaAI Hackathon


Project Overview

The #FormulaAI Hackathon celebrated the racing culture built by Red Bull Racing, and was centered on the application of best practices in Data Science, UX and 3D Modeling for F1 racing.

The Submission:

Project Rere: Weather Prediction and Racing Strategy

  • Created a model to make weather predictions based on observations and historical data.

  • Created an application  prototype to combine the model output with other data to present an information dashboard for race teams.

Team Kaha Placement: Bronze Medal

© 2024 Rachel J Mah

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